MEXICO FINCA LA LAJA DECAF, Mountain Water Process

PANAMA, LA GLORIA ESTATE, Beneficios de Café de Boquete

Type: Coffee

Finca La Gloria was registered as an agricultural farm in 1904, at which point 12 hectares were already planted with coffee. La Gloria is owned by Norberto Suarez and is located in the highlands of Boquete, a town renowned for the quality of its specialty coffee. The land includes majestic mountains, native vegetation, lively creeks, 12-foot native shade trees, a diverse bird population and views of Horqueta Mountain and Volcan Baru—the two highest points in Panama. La Gloria grows mainly the Typica (80 percent) variety but is also known for its Geisha variety. It neighbors the Hortigal Estate and Finca San Sebastian coffee farms, which are owned, respectively, by Norberto's sister, Eira Maria Suarez, and his brother, Domingo.

Beneficios de Café de Boquete, the mill, is equipped with Pinhalense agricultural technology. Norberto and his experienced team oversee the entire workflow, ensuring traceability and efficiency. The mills parchment "resting" warehouse is built from ternium, a material that helps to control humidity and maintain temperature levels within the storage unit, to protect and maintain the bean's quality.

Tasting Notes: Creamy body, winey acidity. Sweet and nutty aroma with chocolate, strawbery and toffee notes. 

Roast Level: Medium
Varietal: Typica, Caturra, Catuai

Process: Washed, sun-dried, machine dried
Altitude: 1360 - 1500 masl.

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